Catalyst Developer Program - Membership
Membership in the Catalyst Program is free. Commercial hardware developers, software developers, and in-house developers are invited to join Catalyst by completing a program application.
- Catalyst Program Application - For Commercial developers
- Solaris Associate Program Application - For In-House developers
For More Information
Developers can contact SunSoft to receive Catalyst information in one of
the following ways:
- Phone: (800) 786-7638 or (512) 345-2412
- Catalyst Fax-On-Demand Hotline: Call for an Index of documents
- U.S. and Canada: 1-800-769-4000 (dial in by phone or fax)
- International: 415-688-4357 (dial in by fax only)
- Postal Mail:
SunSoft Catalyst Program
2550 Garcia Avenue
M/S MTV08-222
Mountain View, CA 94043-1100
Fax: (415) 961-6070